Important Dates

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline  20 September 
 Conference Dates 1-4 October
 Full-Paper Submission Deadline 10 October 
Full-Paper Booklet Publication Date  20 October 


There is 200 Turkish lira symposium attendance fee.

Ziraat Bank
Account Name: Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Strateji Geliştirme Daire Başkanlığı
Account IBAN: TR79 0001 0015 8254 4728 4451 68
NOTE: Please add your name and the name of the symposium in the description section when sending the fee.


Submissions will be accepted as Abstract, Full Text and Poster formats. Extended submissions deadline is 20 September, 17:00 (CET).

Presentations will be accepted as oral presentations (15 min + 5 min) and as speed talks (for poster presentations; 5 min). The symposium’s language is English/Turkish.

Title (bold, 12pt, Times New Roman, centred)
<blank line>
First name Last name1, 2nd author, 3rd author (bold, 10 pt, centred, presenting author underlined; use superscript numbers to indicate institutional affiliation)
<blank line>
1Affiliation (10pt, centred; in this order: Number (superscript), Department, Institution, City, Country)
Email: Presenting/Corresponding Author email
<blank line>

Abstract (11pt, no indentation, left-justified, only species names in italic, in English, 350 words maximum, no references, no abbreviations)

All papers are evaluated through a double blind review process.

Full Text:
Articles that are requested to be published in full text will go through the referee process and, if deemed appropriate, will be published in Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research.

Posters should be prepared in pdf format. Title (not smaller than 16pt, bold), main text (not smaller than 12pt).
Figure(s) and Table(s) should be in as higher resolution as possible.
Posters will not presented as printed copies, will be presented in speed talks with short presentations (we suggest 3-4 power point slides (or any other computer program) would be suitable for 5 min presentation).